Bridging the Busway

Team: Studio for Spatial Practice, Urban Partners, EvolveEA, Jackson/Clark Partners, Cosmos Tech.

Client: Pittsburgh Urban Redevelopment Authority

Location: Pittsburgh, PA

Date : 2010 - 2011 

Bridging the Busway is a strategic development plan for the Homewood and Point Breeze North neighborhoods of Pittsburgh. The plan recommends using transit-oriented development as a tool for stabilizing and reinvigorating Homewood and strengthening its connections to the more stable neighborhoods to the south. The plan includes new housing and mixed-use development, and a revitalization strategy for the business district. The extensive community design process employed a series of focus groups, design workshops and larger public meetings to develop and test both strategic planning recommendations for the larger community, and specific design recommendations for key development sites. The process emphasized leveraging key existing physical, cultural and institutional assets in Homewood as a means to reestablish the neighborhood as destination and a residential community of choice. 


Homewood Cluster Plan


Butler Streetscape